About Guild

Wellcome to Equinox official blog-site. We are new guild on Molten Wow Greymane server, on horde side. The idea of having this guild is to gather only former retail players with high skill and detailed knowledge of their classes. We are restricted type of guild and inviting only players who can express their skill on highest, end gaming level. 

Our path is PvP, making premades and arena teams to reach end level gear on Molten. 
PvE style will be played in guild only to obtain crucial items, but not for gathering PvE gear. We just too much love to kill Alliance. 

Guild was formed by 3 rL friends from Croatia, Zagreb.
All 20+ yrs old, each with long time needed online gaming expirience. 

This blog-site is formed newly so changes will be made.

For the horde!

With no respect, Junax Equinox officer.


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